Îmi aduc aminte de faptul că atunci când am fost la Iaşi cu olimpiada, în 1998, am vizitat Casa Dosoftei, care adăposteşte secţia de literatură veche a Muzeului Literaturii Române. Atunci, autorităţile locale ne-au acordat gratuitate la muzee, nouă, elevilor veniţi pentru olimpiada pe ţară la limbile romanice. Astfel am intrat atunci la Palatul Culturii, dar şi la Casa Dosoftei, aflată chiar în faţă. Am petrecut o săptămână în total, în Iași, alternând muzee și seara ieșiri la discotecă. Într-una din seri, plecam spre Roşu şi Negru :) şi am tras pe drapta un taxi. Un prieten, olimpic la spaniolă, întreabă: "nu vă supăraţi, suntem olimpici, nu ne faceţi şi nouă o reducere?". :) Puterea obișnuinței.
I remember when I was in Iași for the national Latin languages competition in 1998 that I visited the Dosoftei House, which hosts the old literature section of the Romanian Literature Museum. Back then, the local authorities gave us, high school students, free access to museums. We visited the Palace of Culture, but also the Dosoftei House, which is very close. We spent a week in Iași, alternating between museums by day and night clubs in the evening. On one occasion, taking a cab to the then famous "Roșu și Negru" (Red and Black), a friend, competing at national level for Spanish, asked: "we are here for the national Languages contest, can we have a discount?". :) I guess we were getting used to discounts.
I remember when I was in Iași for the national Latin languages competition in 1998 that I visited the Dosoftei House, which hosts the old literature section of the Romanian Literature Museum. Back then, the local authorities gave us, high school students, free access to museums. We visited the Palace of Culture, but also the Dosoftei House, which is very close. We spent a week in Iași, alternating between museums by day and night clubs in the evening. On one occasion, taking a cab to the then famous "Roșu și Negru" (Red and Black), a friend, competing at national level for Spanish, asked: "we are here for the national Languages contest, can we have a discount?". :) I guess we were getting used to discounts.
A fost pentru mine o călătorie înapoi în timp să revăd Casa Dosoftei. Este neschimbată, iar în interior, exponatele, de asemenea, aceleași. Nu are rost să schimbi ceva când te apropii de perfecțiune, iar simplitatea este o bună cale spre a atinge acest stadiu.
Visiting Dosoftei House again was like traveling back in time for me. It was unchanged, both inside and out. There is no point, really, changing something that's close to perfection and simplicity is a good way to reaching that state.
Visiting Dosoftei House again was like traveling back in time for me. It was unchanged, both inside and out. There is no point, really, changing something that's close to perfection and simplicity is a good way to reaching that state.
harta a Iașiului cu toate muzeele componente ale Muzeului Literaturii Române
the map of Iași with all the museums that make up the Museum of Romanian Literature
the map of Iași with all the museums that make up the Museum of Romanian Literature
Este impresionantă colecția de icoane, manuscrise și cărți vechi, cum numai la Brașov, la "Muzeul Prima Școală Românească"și la Târgoviște, la "Muzeul Tiparului și Cărții Vechi Românești" se mai pot găsi.
Este urmărită, ca un fir roșu, întreaga istorie a literaturii vechi românești, îndeobște literatura bisericească, cronicile și letopisețele.
"Laud osârdia lui Ureche Vornicul carele au făcut din dragostea țării letopisețul său... numai lui de această țară i-au fost milă, să nu rămâie întru întunericul neștiinței" Miron Costin
Păstrând proporțiile, este și motivația mea pentru acest blog.
The collection of old icons, manuscripts and old books is impressive. You can only find something comparable in Brașov at the "First Romanian School Museum" and at Târgoviște a the "Print and Tiparului Old Romanian Books Museum".
The entire history of Romanian medieval literature is recapped, especially chronicles and religious books.
"I praise the zeal of Ureche the Governor who wrote his chronicle out of love for his country... only he had compassion for our land, as so not to remain in the darkness of ignorance."Miron Costin, nobleman and chronicler.
While not comparing myself with Grigore Ureche, he and I share the same motivation.
Păstrând proporțiile, este și motivația mea pentru acest blog.
The collection of old icons, manuscripts and old books is impressive. You can only find something comparable in Brașov at the "First Romanian School Museum" and at Târgoviște a the "Print and Tiparului Old Romanian Books Museum".
The entire history of Romanian medieval literature is recapped, especially chronicles and religious books.
"I praise the zeal of Ureche the Governor who wrote his chronicle out of love for his country... only he had compassion for our land, as so not to remain in the darkness of ignorance."Miron Costin, nobleman and chronicler.
While not comparing myself with Grigore Ureche, he and I share the same motivation.
Într-adevăr, figurile literare din evul mediu românesc au fost reprezentate aproape exclusiv de cler, cei care cunoșteau carte și aveau și posibilitatea de a-i răspândi cunoșterea. Un exemplu în acest sens a fost Veniamin Costache (1768 - 1846), Mitropolit al Moldovei, cărturar și promotor al învățământului românesc. A ctitorit Catedrala Mitropolitană, a deschis nenumărate școli, inclusiv pentru copii sărmani dar înzestrați și a fondat Seminarul Teologic Socola.
"Toate mijloacele câte împrejurările m-au înlesnit le-am întrebuințat spre ridicarea nației."
Indeed, the literary figures of the Romanian middle age were mostly clerics, who were litterate and could spread their knowledge. One such was example was Bishop Veniamin Costache of Moldova (1768 - 1846). H was a learned man and a teacher. He was the founder of the Metropolitan Cathedral, he opened countless schools, including for disinherited but gifted children. He also founded the Socola Theological Seminary.
"All the means I had, I used to strengthen the Nation."
Indeed, the literary figures of the Romanian middle age were mostly clerics, who were litterate and could spread their knowledge. One such was example was Bishop Veniamin Costache of Moldova (1768 - 1846). H was a learned man and a teacher. He was the founder of the Metropolitan Cathedral, he opened countless schools, including for disinherited but gifted children. He also founded the Socola Theological Seminary.
"All the means I had, I used to strengthen the Nation."
Casa poartă numele celui care, potrivit tradiției, ar fi locuit-o, Mitropolitul Dosoftei (1624 - 1693) sau unde ar fi funcționat tiparnița lui.
The house bears the name of Bishop Dosoftei of Moldova (1624 - 1693). It is thought he lived in this house or that his printing press was set here.
"This Bishop Dosoftei was not a dumb man and he was not from this land. He was very leanred: he knew Greek, Latin, Slavonic and had deep knowledge of books and learning. A true monk, he was pious and gentle as a lamb. In these times, there was no other man like him in our land." Ion Neculce, chronicler
The house bears the name of Bishop Dosoftei of Moldova (1624 - 1693). It is thought he lived in this house or that his printing press was set here.
"This Bishop Dosoftei was not a dumb man and he was not from this land. He was very leanred: he knew Greek, Latin, Slavonic and had deep knowledge of books and learning. A true monk, he was pious and gentle as a lamb. In these times, there was no other man like him in our land." Ion Neculce, chronicler
Denumită și "casa cu arcade", ea datează din secolul 17 și a supraviețuit aproape miraculos, între altele, pentru că o vreme a servit drept paraclis bisericii "Sfântul Nicolae Domnesc".
Also called "the house with columns", it dates back to the 17th century and survived almost miraculously, among other reasons, because it was used as a chapel for the "Saint Nicholas Princely Church".
Also called "the house with columns", it dates back to the 17th century and survived almost miraculously, among other reasons, because it was used as a chapel for the "Saint Nicholas Princely Church".
Dacă nimeriți prin Iași, călcați pragul celei mai vechi case din oraș!
Do visit its oldest house, if you come around Iași!