La doar 120 de kilometri distanță de București, comuna Brebu este una dintre cele mai frumoase din România, cu satele sale Brebu Mânăstirei sau Pietriceaua.
(în imagine, primăria)
120 kilometres from Bucharest, Brebu is one of the most beautiful villages in Romania.
(the town hall pictured)
120 kilometres from Bucharest, Brebu is one of the most beautiful villages in Romania.
(the town hall pictured)
Are peste 7000 de locuitori și este foarte prizată ca sat de vacanță. Deși au apărut vile în ultimii ani, comuna încă se mândrește cu multe case țărănești tipice. De altfel prețurile la case și terenuri sunt destul de mari în zonă.
It has over 7000 inhabitants and it is appreciated a lot as a summer residence. Although modern villas have appeared in the recent years, it still boasts typical peasant houses. Prices for houses and terrains are pretty high.
It has over 7000 inhabitants and it is appreciated a lot as a summer residence. Although modern villas have appeared in the recent years, it still boasts typical peasant houses. Prices for houses and terrains are pretty high.
Înainte de a vorbi mai pe larg despre atracția principală a comunei, Mânăstirea Brebu, este obligatoriu să vă arăt cadrul general, foarte pitoresc, cu case în general bine păstrate.
Before getting into more detail about the main attraction of the village, Brebu Monastery, I must say more about the general atmosphere created by the beautiful houses and surroundings.
Before getting into more detail about the main attraction of the village, Brebu Monastery, I must say more about the general atmosphere created by the beautiful houses and surroundings.
Totuși, un contra-exemplu major, aflat chiar vizavi de mânăstire, este cea mai mare clădire neoromânească din comună, complet desfigurată. Arată chiar mai rău terminată decât când era în șantier... atunci măcar se mai putea reveni...
However, there is a major eye-sore in the village, exactly in front of the monastery. A large Neo-Romanian villa is completely disfigured, it is a total negative example.
However, there is a major eye-sore in the village, exactly in front of the monastery. A large Neo-Romanian villa is completely disfigured, it is a total negative example.
Și școala comunei pare să fi superit transformări majore...
The village school also suffered major transformations...
The village school also suffered major transformations...
... față de forma din 1910 (nu mansardarea sunt problema, ci acoperișul și tâmplăria schimbate).
... compared to the 1910 version. It was already modified in the inter-war period (one storey added) but recently the window frames and the roof were changed too.
Ce ar zice strămoșii? ... (monumentul eroilor din comună, absolut superb)
What would our forefathers say?... (the Heroes monument)
What would our forefathers say?... (the Heroes monument)
Din fericire, sunt și exemple de gospodari care păstrează proprietăți valoroase în starea inițială.
Fortunately, there are also examples of owners who keep valuable houses in their initial form.
Fortunately, there are also examples of owners who keep valuable houses in their initial form.
Exemplare superbe sunt la tot pasul, precum această casă cu geamlâc de lemn și fereastră în acoladă cu rama originală...
There are superb examples at every step, like this house with wooden closed veranda and accolade window with its original frame...
There are superb examples at every step, like this house with wooden closed veranda and accolade window with its original frame...
... sau aceasta, cu traforajul ei delicat...
... or this house, with its delicate fretwork...
... or this house, with its delicate fretwork...
... sau exemplare cu mai puține decorații, dar nu mai puțin valoroase, fiind extrem de vechi.
... or older houses with hardly any decorations, but all the more valuable.
... or older houses with hardly any decorations, but all the more valuable.
Biserica din sat este și ea interesantă, o copie a Mânăstirii Curtea de Argeș.
The village church is interesting too, it is a copy of the Curtea de Argeș Monastery.
The village church is interesting too, it is a copy of the Curtea de Argeș Monastery.
Clopotnița nu se lasă cu nimic mai prejos, mi se pare chiar mai originală.
The bell tower is even more impressive, because more original.
The bell tower is even more impressive, because more original.
Ce ziceți, v-am convins să faceți o tură la Brebu?
So, what do you say, have I convinced you to visit Brebu?
So, what do you say, have I convinced you to visit Brebu?