Alt muzeu pe care nu l-am putut vizita, fiind închis, este muzeul de etnografie. Am aflat de existența lui de pe harta orașului. Se află într-o minunată clădire tipic bulgărească. Va trebui să o vizităm cândva în timpul săptămânii.
The Ethnography Museum in Silistra
Another museum we could not visit was the Ethnography Museum. It was closed during the weekend. We did not even know it existed, we found out about it from the city map we bought. Unfortunately, we could only admire this traditional Bulgarian house from the outside.
The Ethnography Museum in Silistra
Another museum we could not visit was the Ethnography Museum. It was closed during the weekend. We did not even know it existed, we found out about it from the city map we bought. Unfortunately, we could only admire this traditional Bulgarian house from the outside.